Is Content Quality Suffering Because ChatGPT Is Just “Good Enough”?

Gary Givental
2 min readOct 17, 2023


As AI continues to make strides in various sectors, one area witnessing significant disruption is content creation. ChatGPT, a leading generative AI model, has gained traction among writers for churning out articles, blog posts, and other written content. But is this convenience coming at the expense of content quality? Let’s explore this question.

The Rise of ChatGPT in Content Writing

Generative AI like ChatGPT has been a game-changer for many writers, acting as a virtual assistant that offers a fast way to generate ideas, outlines, and even entire articles. The adoption rate among writers, especially freelancers and content marketers, is noticeable.

The Pitfalls of Prompt Engineering

However, even the best prompt engineering can’t eliminate the limitations of these models. While ChatGPT can produce coherent and grammatically correct text, it often falls short in delivering the depth of insight that comes from human expertise or thorough research.

The “Good Enough” Dilemma

Writers often review the output and make tweaks to the content, but there’s a tendency to consider the AI-generated text as “good enough.” This is a crucial point because “good enough” rarely equates to “excellent.” When the final output is reviewed, it often lacks the nuance, depth, or creativity that could have been achieved if the piece was entirely handcrafted by an expert in the subject.

Consequence on Content Quality

The pervasive use of “good enough” AI-generated content may lead to an overall dip in the quality of information available. While AI-written articles can be informative and accurate, they often can’t match the level of a well-researched, hand-written article. The end result may lead to a landscape filled with content that is passable but not exceptional.


While ChatGPT and other generative AI models offer promising benefits in automating content creation, relying solely on them risks compromising the quality of the final product. As these tools continue to evolve, it’s up to us, the human writers, to determine the right balance between AI assistance and handcrafted expertise.

So, the next time you find yourself using generative AI for writing, ask yourself: Is this really the best I can offer to my readers, or is it just “good enough”?

Disclosure: GPT helped write the article, and therefore, it’s “just good enough” :)



Gary Givental

Software Engineer, AI geek, and longtime yogi and martial artist.